by Lekhya | Sunday, July 27, 2008 in |

Expectation is a powerful attractive force, because it draws
things to you. As Bob Proctor (featured in The Secret)
says, “Desire connects you with the thing desired and
expectation draws it into life.” Expect the things
you want, and don’t expect the things you don’t want.
What do you expect now?

Now that you know The Secret, when you see
Someone who is wealthy you will know that that
Person’s predominant thoughts are one wealth and
not on scarcity, and that they have drawn wealth to
them-whether they did it consciously or unconsciously.
They focused on thoughts of wealth and the Universe
Moved people, circumstances, and events to deliver
Wealth to them. The wealth that they have, you have
Also. The only difference between you and them is that
They thought the thoughts to bring the wealth to them.
Your wealth is waiting for you in the invisible, and to
Bring it into the visible, think wealth!



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